720 XTF Search Results (freeformQuery=italy OR italian;smode=advanced;f1-format=Vertical File);smode%3Dadvanced;f1-format%3DVertical%20File Results for your query: freeformQuery=italy OR italian;smode=advanced;f1-format=Vertical File Thu, 01 Jan 1970 12:00:00 GMT American Allied Fund, Inc., 1921. American Allied Fund, Inc. Miscellaneous materials relating to the American Allied Fund, Inc., including: 1. mailing announcing the American Allied Fund titled "an important consolidation to appeal for charitable organizations", 2. letter and appeals (x2) sent by the American Allied Fund for the Tubercular Children of France, 3. appeal sent by the American Allied Fund for the Italian Tubercular Children, and 4. appeals (x2) sent by the American Allied Fund for the Serbian Aid Fund Sat, 01 Jan 1921 12:00:00 GMT